👉 PVED Embryo Donation Program

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IVF Quote PVED has helped me from the earliest stages of "Is DE really the right and realistic choice for us?" to "How am I really going to do this?" to "Wow, I'm really doing this! Oh, what did I do?" and finally, "Now that we did it, how does this choice effect our family for the rest of our lives?" I like that no matter where you are, there is someone out there willing to help you. And I like to think that my experiences can help others too.
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Parents Via Egg Donation is a non-profit organization founded and operated by Parents Via Egg Donation. The term "Parents Via Egg Donation" or (PVED) refers to the Parents Via Egg Donation Organization. All use of the PVED web site is subject to the disclaimer and terms and conditions of usage set forth below. By accessing the Parents Via Egg Donation site, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of usage listed below. Parents Via Egg Donation reserves the right to change the disclaimer and terms and conditions of usage. Any and all changes to this disclaimer will be posted to this page.

Medical Liability
PVED maintains this web sitewebsite as a resource for intended parents and parents through egg donation. Although some information on this site is about medical issues, it is not intended to provide medical advice or to replace the care of your existing health care professional. Do not rely on any of the information contained in the PVED web sitewebsite for diagnosis or treatment. If medical advice is needed, the service of a licensed physician or healthcare professional should be sought. PVED and its affiliates assume no liability whatsoever of any kind for the information and data contained on this web sitewebsite or for any diagnosis or treatment made in reliance thereon. We are not your doctors or health care providers.

PVED does not endorse or recommend any of the medications, products, treatments, and/or organizations described, mentioned or discussed in any of the services, databases, editorials or pages accessible within or from the PVED site. PVED makes no representations concerning the efficacy, appropriateness or suitability of any such products or treatments, and in no event shall PVED be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other resulting damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with, the use or performance of such products or treatments. You agree not to make any claims whatsoever against PVED in connection with any of the foregoing.

PVED makes no guarantees or warranties as to the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the content on this site or any other information which is referenced by or linked to this web sitewebsite. PVED and its affiliates shall not be liable to the user or anyone else for any inaccuracy, delay, interruption in service, error or omission, regardless of cause or for any damages resulting there from. Per Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, PVED is not responsible for any content posted on the Website by its members.

Communications Decency Act Section 230 Disclaimer

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act grants interactive online services of all types, including community based websites, blogs, forums, and listservs, broad immunity from tort liability so long as the information at issue is provided by a third party. The material hosted on our website is most often submitted and posted by our users, ie., third parties. PVED does not directly edit, supervise, review or endorse user submitted content and disclaims any and all liability associated with such posts or content.

All original material within the Parents Via Egg Donation site is copyrighted. The pages at PVED shall not be reproduced, transmitted or distributed without the express written consent of PVED.

Terms and Conditions of Usage
PVED retains the right to review, edit or delete content, which it deems to be illegal, offensive or otherwise inappropriate. PVED permits its visitors to share information on resources and professional services. However, we do not allow professionals and businesses to advertise their services through posting notices on bulletin boards that are reserved for other purposes or through soliciting business within chat areas. Collection of e-mail addresses posted within the PVED site for the purposes of direct e-mailings is expressly forbidden. Drugs for sale, trade, or drugs needed messages are strictly forbidden, and not allowed, on any of our bulletin boards or e-mail support lists. Do not ask for drugs and medications. If you do, you will be banned, no questions asked.

PVED does not allow any messages, which are rude, offensive, mean spirited, hate filled, or derogatory in nature. This includes clinic, agency, or other service provider bashing.

PVED retains the right to remove such messages as soon as we become aware of them. Users of the PVED site shall not use the web site for any illegal or unethical purposes. The messages contained in message board and other interactive areas are for your personal use only. Because our message boards are private we do not allow any of its messages to be redistributed whatsoever. We retain the right to ban anyone who does not follow these terms and conditions of usage.

The PVED Forum and all PVED online discussion groups hosted on other social media platforms are subject to the Forum Community Rules available here: Forum Community Rules.

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